Nya erbjudanden!
Vi erbjuder synundersökning till
körkortstillstånd för 150 kr.
Helg och vardagar från 19.00 tar vi
80 kr extra per körlektion
Sänkta priser
Riskettan 500 kr. just nu/ du sparar 200 kr
Intro/Handledarkurs 350 kr/person,
Riskettan (One) English 600 kr. Save 100 kr
En test lektion på 55 minuter kostar endast 750 kr.
Receptionen bemmanad
Måndag-torsdag 12.00-14.00 och 18.20-19.20
även är receptionen oregelbunden bemannad under övriga tider , det bästa vore att skicka SMS eller mejl så kommer vi att kontakta dig så fort som möjligt om öppettiderna inte passar dig
0723 87 18 29
Observera att Trafikverket tar ut en separat provavgift för teori -och körprovet, denna avgift är ej kopplad till trafikskolan och ingår inte i våra avgifter.
Riskettan in English
Risk 1 is a mandatory step in the journey towards getting your license, and you need to have completed risk 1 and risk 2 (visit STORA HOLM FOR RISK 2) before you take the theorytest.
As the name suggests, Risk 1 covers risks in traffic, covering the risks of alcohol, drugs, fatigue and other scenarios that can impair your driving skills.
After Risk 1, you will be educated in how alcohol, drugs and fatigue affect your ability to be a safe driver, you will be aware of potential risks if you’re driving under the influences, and how to best minimise these risks. We will also cover different laws and regulations, which demographic groups tend to take more risks than others and how stress and talking on the phone/other distractions may affect your ability as a driver.
You can take this course whenever you like, you don´t even need the driving permit (but you need that before you drive the car), but we recommend that you have taken some classes and started on the theory to better understand the different scenarios we discuss in the course.
To pass the course you need to be present and active through the whole course and take part in the discussions.
We provide Risk 1 in English on a regular basis, please read through the terms below and follow the link below to register. the course starts at 15:00, be here at Tempelgatan 1E 15 min before to register at the reception, bring your ID!
The fee of 600 kr is due 48h before class, payment is made through swish or BG, see details below. Mark your payment with your full name and the date of the course.
To cancel your class, follow the link in the confirmation email you recieve after entering your registration, we need your cancellation 24h before class to not charge you for the fee.
Please note that not making the payment is not valid as a cancellation.
Make payment with
Swish 123 237 08 23
Bankgiro 781-7448